Granì 2:42-47 (
Born of necessity based system of personal training, educational management, has identified and secured vital and new features of the teacher in teaching and learning of future teachers. With the introduction of new information technologies in the process of learning management becomes widely understood concept of educational management. It is interesting to study the views of domestic and foreign scholars. In Ukraine, the development of the theory of educational reforms highlighted A.Vasylyuk who shared their district number of classification of educational reform. International experience shows that the theory of educational reforms has over thirty years of experience of the development and improvement. The characteristic of the reform of the international treasury generalization of experience, as it lays the foundation for the modern theory of educational reform and educational reformolohiyi. Fourvolume collection of the most important ideas, characteristics of practical experience in a wide range of educational reforms. Also pay attention in particular to the theoretical position Y.Ch.Cheng where he analyzes contemporary reforms that allow to characterize the level of the educational system, on which the reform program of the thrust and overall strategy changes. In the dissertation research looks at the problem of the study. This article contains material research and evaluate different points of view on the issue of a systematic approach using educational management in the implementation of reforms.