Albrecht Dürer was German, but it was Italy he loved and followed the example of. Along with Erasmus of Rotterdam, he was one of the first to instil the ideas of Italian humanism in northern Europe, paying attention to the study of ancient culture, and thus fighting for the renewal of art in the spirit of the Renaissance. Dürer believed that using the patterns developed in Florence, the art of imaging would achieve unprecedented narrative power. The uniqueness of the artist from Nuremberg was also that he was able not only to assimilate and synthesise German Gothic art with the achievements of the Florentine school, but also to develop his own vision of the theory of art taking into account the specifics of native art. His research on the theory of movement, the implementation of objects into the structure of the image, the search for the perfect beauty in woodcut and copper engraving can be considered to be unique and pioneering projects in Germany. The influence of Dürer on the sphere of Renaissance iconography is invaluable, but unfortunately it is often omitted in the literature as secondary or even insignificant. The article shows that Dürer’s theoretical influence on the shape of early modern art is noteworthy.