Polonica Publications (
For the first time in nearly 50 years, Feliks Koneczny's magnum opus, On the Plurality of Civilisations, is available in an English translation. This book is a concise overview of the dominant civilizations of the world as well as an attempt to contrast and order them based on their histories and values - particularly law and ethics. It is an attempt to study the sum of human history from the standpoint of the diverse number of cultures and civilizations, and what they could in turn teach us about the human condition. For Koneczny was among the first proponents of what we would now call comparative historical and civilizational studies. For he believed in the possibility, and importance, of a general study of human affairs. In short, Koneczny's conclusions are the concern of the whole of Western Civilization, especially during today's crucial juncture. Even if this or that detail of his words will not pass the test of time, the essence of his doctrine seems unassailable. Everyone to whom the fate of his own country, as well as that of Western society, is dear, can learn much from Koneczny.