My research paper tries to investigate certain pertinent questions which are very important for the solution of today’s problems which we are facing in a globalised world. They are as follows: By following Jain principles, how one can promote and preserve rights of the individual; In what ways Jain teachings prescribed preventive measures against the violation of human rights; Chronology of Indian political thought and Comparison between Jain and Gandhian human rights. Today, we are facing the problems of infringement, misuse of rights in all walks of our life. We are confronting with the problems of social, economic, and political rights, discrimination between men and women in third world countries. Inequality is rampant. To establish equality-protection, promotion, and preservation of human rights is utmost important need of the day. It is one of ways that by following Jain teachings and principles we can be able to establish equality of rights and peace in the contemporary world. So my research paper will be aptly related with the Congress main theme, the politics in the world of inequality. My paper is an interpretative study which is viewed from the socio-political dimension not from the religious or metaphysical point of view.