In the article the main possibilities of enlisting of the Ukrainian Diaspora to the investment processes in Ukraine are researched. Financial, management and technological advantages of the Diaspora from the point of view of Ukraine’s economical interests are analyzed in details as well as lobbing of its main economical and political decisions in the parliaments of international organizations and western countries. Separately, the author determines necessary steps which should be conducted by the state of Diaspora’s origin with the aim of enlisting the capital of its representatives. This can be possible after implementing a wide range of measures at the national level. The author attracts attention to the necessity of solving the issue concerning the law of the doublecitizenship for those representatives of Ukrainian Diaspora who invest, work in the real sector of economy, and are engaged with the business activities and charity work. This, in its turn, would change their political status and give them a right for the non-visa entrance and the right to use on the Ukrainian territory the national mode of civil and legal relations. In the author’s opinion, proceeding in the ownership rights of the ethnic Ukrainians for the national property is also important. Realization of the aforementioned measures would make a great psychological impact on the Ukrainian Diaspora and would promote its positive attitude towards investing the capital to the economy of Ukraine. In its turn, in the legislative sphere it is necessary to confirm the guarantees of private ownership and to create the mechanism of its legal protection and provide the stability of the legal mode of the investment processes. In the frame of the structural reorganization of the Ukrainian economy, the issue of the foreign investments is urgent. In most developed countries foreign capital became the intensifier of the investment processes. Over the last years this tendency is especially characteristic for the countries of the south-eastern Asia. The amount of foreign investments to these comparatively small countries at the beginning of 90-ties exceeded 20 billion dollars. Success of the economics of China and South Korea are determined by a great amount of foreign investments. Taking into consideration the experience of economy transformation, the process of enlisting foreign investments of Ukrainian Diaspora to the country of their origin is very important.