Granì 4:30-34 (
The author analyzes the theoretical foundations of the modern legal reality has changed, as well as signs of a crisis of law in Ukraine sogodni.Avtor believe sho legal crisis in Ukraine is permanent, it became the “ Institute Launch “ other national crises political, government and management, demographic, economic, moral, etc.. Simultaneously legal crisis intensified and continues to intensify political and other types of crises, creating an overall systemic crisis in the state. Revealed that the degree of adequacy of reasons justify its effectiveness depends on the direction and reform as society in general, and legal reform as part of the transformation processes in particular. From the philosophical positions revealed factors of legal education in the field of establishing a new historical type of society, in our case the information. Examines the process of transformation of the modern Ukrainian society when it comes fundamental change in the role of law, acquires the features of the basic values, one of the fundamental social principles. It is shown that also changes the task of legal science. She tries to comprehend the relationship of human rights. Strengthening global processes tion in the modern world and the prospects of building a humanistic, liberaldemocratic citizens tion played a significant role incentives for inte graceful searches aimed at theoretical constructions are able to “ reconcile” the positivist and prirodnopravovy directions in the development of modern jurisprudence. Important is the need to answer the question of who plays and restores the form of being, in which the subject interaction and situations they reproduce, modify, designed and constructed.