A Critical Survey of the Problem of Measurement in Quantum Mechanics
Dissertation, The Johns Hopkins University (
An examination is made of some of the various attempts to solve the problem of measurement in quantum mechanics. After briefly reviewing the basic elements of the quantum mechanical formalism and its interpretation, a schematic representation of measurement interactions is presented, and the problem of measurement derived. Three early theories of measurement, the respective theories of Heisenberg, von Neumann, and Bohr, are then taken up. I evaluate the standard criticisms of them and then add several of my own. The main reason for reviewing these theories is to convey an understanding of some of the philosophical aspects of the problem as well as an understanding of the motivation for the later theories that are considered in the dissertation. ;The primary goal of the dissertation is the critical evaluation of three recent attempts to solve the measurement problem: the theories of Ballentine, Park, and DLP . The first two are judged hopelessly inadequate for reasons set forth in the dissertation. The third, the theory of DLP, is also shown to be inadequate; however, the approach seems to have some merit. A tentative solution to the problem of measurement that is based on the work of DLP is developed and defended in the last chapter. Unfortunately, the new theory also encounters serious problems and is really not significantly better than the other theories that are considered in the dissertation.