In recent decades, the system of mostly mass media has radically changed. Today, we live under conditions of a computer-controlled digital infrastructure, which is relevant for all symbolic actions and interactions—and this has fundamental consequences for all areas of human life. This is what mediatization research tries to grasp empirically and theoretically. As a consequence, we must develop an ethic for the emerging mediatized forms of everyday life, culture and society. This must also include an ethic for the ongoing development of media. In the second decade of the 21st century, media development is controlled by huge enterprises and the ideas of engineers. However, these developments are relevant for freedom and self-realization of the people and for peace and democracy. We thus need a broad ethical discussion about what is going on and where we want to go. This chapter describes the mediatization approach and discusses some questions of ethical relevance from empirical and theoretical work in the frame of mediatization research.