Conclusions of Science: The Hypothesis of Advaita
A person experiences and functions in two worlds – the external material world, and the internal mental world – whose objects differ in their nature, constitution, and reality. The 20th century scientists confess that hitherto the sciences were examining with their sophisticated apparatuses merely the observable externalappearances of phenomena, and that behind these lie a sensorily unobservable universe and the observer oneself! Exploring the external world for truth, through experiment and experience, contemporary scientists at their quest’s farthest end confront Consciousness – the ineffable transcendental greatest mystery/Reality. The paper explains how while modern science is still grappling with Consciousness; the ancient philosophy of Advaita‐Vedanta has succeeded in identifying and isolating Consciousness – Brahman – through its psycho-physical-ethical spiritual praxis for “appropriating” it from the web of experience in the lived-world environing one and the all, to encapsulate the contemporary conclusions of the sciences in its holistic hypothesis which declares: Consciousness alone is real; the world is illusory; and oneself - no other than Consciousness/Brahman!