“I believe that I would do philosophers a great service if they were to adopt a category which I myself have discovered and utilized with great profit and success to exhaust and dry up a multitude of relations and qualifications that have so far been unwilling to resolve themselves—it is the category of higher lunacy”. These words could be the motto for Kierkegaard’s brash enterprise in this delightful book, which contains, in addition to the Writing Sampler, a collection of eight prefaces to books that will never be written because the wife of their author refuses to let him be unfaithful to her by romancing his own ideas. The target of Kierkegaard’s satire is always shifting: Hegelians and their pretentious encyclopedias; journalists and their self-glorifying arbitration of public taste ; book reviewers and their pseudo-omniscience ; the cultivated public which thinks so unspeakably highly of itself; progressive Christians who feel that religion has finally reached maturity in their urbane relativism.