Agriculture is a technology pattern that requires energy to flow, process, change, and produces energy. Rengat is an agrarian sub-district located in Riau Province, Indonesia, with the main livelihood of the population comes from agriculture industry. For onfarm activities, many cultivated commodities are vegetables and fruits. This leads to the fact that stipulation of suitable vegetable crops in lowland areas is crucial. To provide solutions, a decision support system is needed to determine suitable vegetable crops in lowland areas. The decision support system process is done by using Naive Bayesian Classification method. Methodology used in this research requires interviews and data collecting directly from the Agriculture Food Crops and Horticulture Agent, Indragiri Hulu Regency. If farmers want to access decision support systems to determine the suitable vegetable crops in lowland areas, farmers are required to register to the Agent. This decision support system can facilitate farmers in determining the suitable vegetable crops in lowland plains.