Buddhist Hermeneutics and World Ethies: As the Buddhist Hermeneutics of Zen Experiencing upon Beholding the Buddhist Nature
This article discusses the ethics of the Buddhist hermeneutics and its potential contribution to the world, the first position by the hermeneutics of interpretation of Zen experience, see the ultra-ontology, and discusses the ethics of Zen and characteristics of the basic approaches by which to explain the theory of out the construction of Buddhist ethics in the world may practice. This paper first discusses Hans. Queensland's world vision and ethical framework. This article from the development of deep thought Zen Zen model theory see sexual experience, this is the ontological hermeneutics as by Buddhism, learned over there to do the depth of the interpretation of Zen and its interpretation of the object, including: Lankavatara by the theory with the Tathagata Tathagata Zen Tibet Tibetan knowledge, "refers to the metaphor on" The Zen of ontological hermeneutics of the three links , and the basis on the above, this interpretation of Zen ethics, and ethics on the line construction on the world of Buddhism may be contribution