The main intention of the work that deals with the Nicolo Machiavelli thought is to point out the obvious paradox between the high political goal and the legitimating of all possible means for its realization. Are evil deeds inevitable in the sphere of politics and under what circumstances the immorality contained in political acts could be transformed into common good? The text asks additional questions such as about the accomplishments of ambitious political projects, the relationship among the ideologist and the representative of political power, the transformations of the means into the ends, the use of violence and indoctrination in political acts, revolutionary and evolutionary political methods, etc. The author claims that political technologies recommended by Machiavelli basically haven't diminished, but have taken on more modern and more adequate forms. Osnovna namera teksta je da prateci misao Nikola Makijavelija ukaze na ociti paradoks izmedju visoko postavljenog cilja i opravdanja svih sredstava da bi se taj cilj realizovao. Da li je cinjenje zla neminovni ulog u sferi politike i pod kojim uslovima se amoralnost sadrzana u politickim cinovima moze transformisati u opste dobro? Tekst postavlja i dodatna pitanja, poput ostvarljivosti ambicioznih politickih projekata, odnosa ideologa i nosioca politicke moci, transformacije sredstava u ciljeve, koriscenja nasilja i indoktrinacije u politickim preokretima, revolucionarne i evolutivne metode politickog postupanja i sl. Autor iznosi zakljucak da politicke tehnologije koje je Makijaveli preporucavao u osnovi nisu iscezle, vec su zadobile samo zadobile modernije i adekvatnije oblike.