A New Analysis Of Moral Orientation In Wang Guowei's Aesthetics
Proper placement of earthly evil, with the aesthetic and moral consistency. Moral imperative to act genius, like the idea came, the localization of Kant's aesthetics is a major gain. Smart constructed in the genius of the world, Wang Guowei valued aesthetic quality in the same time, also highlights the positive significance of free will, to show the Chinese thought after Kant encountered strange Zhuangmao. Wang Guowei the underlying causes of aesthetics to ethics, morality as he is the real "interest rate of the shoulder," and long-term stability of the final guarantee. With a disposal of earthly evils, aesthetics begins to run parallel with morality. One of the most significant achievements of the localization of Kant's aesthetics is to bestow moral obligation on the genius, a feat with no parallel in history. Amid the world of spirit constructed by genius, what is treasured by Wang Guowei is not only the aesthetic attribute. The positive implication of free will is also foregrounded, exhibiting a peculiar landscape ever since Chinese's thought's encounter with Kant. The deep-seated reason for Wang Guowei's moral-oriented aesthetics is that he regards morality as the true "resting place", the ultimate guarantee of a safe and long-lasting society