Controllo e discontinuità della materia informazionale nella tecnologia digitale
The digital represents an oppressive apparatus of control or a new horizon for liberation? This article frames a post-deleuzian and post-guattarian line of though about the digital and the politics. Control and discontinuity of affections are the two poles for a reasoning about our involvment in the digital and our awareness of risks and opportunities. If we assume that the contemporary is characterized by the pulverization of the real, and that from the thanatology of the twentieth century could hardly be born a 'providential' technology at the same time thanatology can’t stop the entropic being, which transcends all ambition of autonomy of matter. The machines were built in the frame of segmentation, but the ontological instability is able to give form to a different and new releases. However, a reflection on new technologies leads us to understand that the affectivity of matter, its discontinuities, while constituting a virtual source of potentiality with 'machinic heterogenesis', does not 'escape' the power, but urges the control to raise new challenges not in opposition but in affinity. In this mimetic interaction, then, should continue to reflect, remembering always the lure of Deleuze to irony and humour, on possible differential practices for limiting the disciplines in order to move the entropy in the logic of the database, under the sign of an aesthetics of affection, renewing the an-aestheticized subjectivity of contemporary.