For many decades, Heidegger’s critique of Kant was identified with his book on ›Kant and the Problem of Metaphysics‹. Thanks to the publication of several of his lectures from the 1920s, however, it has become increasingly clear that Heidegger’s critique comprises far more than said book. In the present article I explore the idea that Heidegger’s lectures on ›Basic Problems of Phenomenology‹, held in the summer term of 1927, are of particular importance for our understanding of the relationship Heidegger felt there was between himself and Kant. These lectures can be read as a »historical« introduction into ›Being and Time‹. Of course, Heidegger does not present himself as a historian of philosophy but acts as a philosophical reader of Kant in order to expound the principal ideas of his own philosophy. My central claim is that it is through Kant’s moral philosophy that Heidegger attempts a »historical« introduction into his own conception of selfunderstanding.