In this research article I reconstitute portfolio assessment of my work as a new faculty member in the form of critical reflexive dialogue. I reassemble artifacts of my works-in-process in a vocational portfolioin order to signal that quality in my work is nuanced as a calling to serve. This metaphor entails portfolio assessment that does not isolate the adult learner and worker from self-assessment and others’assessment. I structure my portfolio dialogically so that my evaluators and I can respond critically to the processes and products of my teacher, researcher, and service worker identities. My artifacts ofdialogical occasions denaturalize the feminine in work and disrupt the hierarchy of knowledge over service. I reassemble my quality moments to support my espoused theory and theory-in-use that servingothers in response-able relationship constitutes the linked resemblance of quality across the three traditional evaluative categories of teaching, research, and service.