In this article I shall reflect on the issue of humanising pedagogy, taking a view that dehumanisation, in general, comes from two kinds of oppression. I shall argue that, apart from oppression of the political type, tertiary education is also a victim of another type of oppression which contributes to its dehumanisation, viz. the oppression exercised by the economic system that South Africa has chosen to adopt after 1994. In the context of these two factors, I shall discuss what humanising pedagogy is, as presented in selected literature. I shall then discuss the political oppression and Freire’s educational solution. Further, I shall present the effect of neoliberal economy on higher education. Finally, I shall, in full circle, go back to the issue of humanising pedagogy and the possible solutions, coming from Freire, but also Fanon, Said, and Bhabha. I shall conclude with a personal reflection on the situation in South Africa and the role it could play in remedying the educational quandary. Ex Africa semper aliquid novi!