This article was found among the papers left by Prof. Laugwitz (May 5, 1932–April 17, 2000). The following abstract is extracted from a lecture he gave at the Fourth Austrain Symposion on the History of Mathematics (Neuhofen/ybbs, November 10, 1995).About 100 years ago, the Cantor-Veronese controversy found wide interest and lasted for more than 20 years. It is concerned with “actual infinity” in mathematics. Cantor, supported by Peano and others, believed to have shown the non-existence of infinitely small quantities, and therefore he fought against the infinitely large and small numbers in Veronese’s geometry, but also against the non-archimedean systems of Thomae, du Bois-Reymond, and Stolz. As a positive consequence of the controversy the distinction between Cantor’s transfinite arithmetic and the theory of ordered algebraic structures becomes clear.