In Jeffrey A. Ewing & Kevin S. Decker (eds.),
Alien and Philosophy. Wiley. pp. 5–16 (
Most people probably take it for granted that “human beings” and what philosophers and lawyers call “persons” are one and the same thing. The picture of a person get from Locke is of an intelligent, rational, self‐reflective, and emotional being. Anything that can have all of these features must count as a Lockean person. The human characters of the Alien franchise do seem to have all of these characteristics. This chapter explains that there are a couple of ways to determine whether or not androids in the Alien series—and especially David from Prometheus—can be persons. On the Cartesian view, David is not a person because David does not have a soul. Locke challenges this idea with a picture of a person that does not tie the important features of persons to some particular substance, like a soul.