The Christian Origin of Being and Time
The development of Christian thought on Heidegger can not be ignored. Heidegger was born in a conservative Catholic family, he entered college was originally a theological student. Even after he was formally separated from the Catholic system, he also regarded as a Christian theologian since. Until 1935, he was also born in the beliefs of his distress. This paper will focus on "Being and Time," presented by the theme of Christianity, Christianity is still trying to point out many of his early ideas the source of important concepts. The influence of Christianity on the intellectual development of Heidegger can hardly be exaggerated. Heidegger was born in a conservative Catholic family. He first entered university as a student of theology. Even after his formal break with the system of Catholicism, he still considered himself a Christian theologian, and as late as 1935, he still had to struggle with the faith of his birth. The theme of this treatise is the Christian influence on Heidegger as it is displayed in Being and Time. It aims at showing that many important concepts in this opus magnum of Heidegger have their origin in Christian thought