Reinterpretation and Development of Kant in French Contemporary Aesthetics I: Gérard Genette on Aesthetic Relation
In this article, I intended to explore the contemporary French aesthetics by Kant's "critical ability to judge" made a new start, and Jane奈especially the "aesthetic relation" for the analysis object. In this book, the first to Jane奈special concern for the sexual conduct of Kant's aesthetics In order to re-interpretation, and the Anglo-American modern aestheticians and conducted discussion. Then he made this theme for the aesthetic appreciation of a super-Kantian In order regardless of subjective aesthetics. This final determination of its re-start the dialogue contribution method into the road and hide the taste of their own conduct observation and evaluation. This article explores the restart of the French contemporary aesthetics through Kant's Critique of Judgment and takes the Aesthetic Relation by Gérard Genette as object of study. In his work, Genette firstly reinterprets the aesthetics of Kant through the theme of aspectual attention and dialogues with English-spoken theorists. Then he brings out a hyper-Kantian subjectivist aesthetic theory. The article observes and evaluates in the end the contribution of Genette through the aspects of the restarting, dialogue, approach and his own implied taste