On Thomas Hill's Thoughts of Environmental Virtue Ethics
• the environmental virtues of Thomas Hill, a pivotal figure in the field of ethics, environmental virtue theory, its main idea is "appropriate humility" theory. "Appropriate humility" is a measure of the importance of an attitude thing, it requires people to recognize the "no perception of nature," the importance of correct understanding of their place in nature. • Thomas Hill wants people to overcome the ego and ignorance, to have "appropriate humility." However, he demonstrated his theory Shique anthropocentrism tend to show, and do not fully explain the existence of defects, so criticized by the people. Nevertheless, his theory of environmental protection is still an important revelation. Thomas Hill is a very important figure in the environmental virtue ethics, whose primary theoretical thoughts of environmental virtue is "Proper Humility". "Proper Humility" is an attitude to measure the importance of things, which requires recognition of the importance of consentient nature and appreciation of the people's place in the natural world. Thomas Hill wishes people to overcome self-importance and ignorance to have "Proper Humility". However, when Thomas Hill argued his theory, he showed a tendency of anthropocentrism which be suffered critiques. Nevertheless, his theory is still a very important message for protecting environments