Meaning, Freedom and Values: A Framework for the Creation of Meaning in Life Within the Context of Organization
Dissertation, California School of Professional Psychology - Los Angeles (
The relationships between experienced meaning in life, perceived freedom and personal values orientation were addressed by this research. 73 male and female subjects between the ages of 20 and 55+ completed three instruments. Subjects were middle managers in leadership and management education courses. Meaning was operationalized by the Life Regard Index ; freedom was operationalized by Locus of Control ; values were operationalized by the Values Profile System . ;Out of six hypotheses, one was supported by this research. A statistically significant relationship was found between meaning and freedom , r$\rm\sb{p} = -.4243, p < .0001$. Factor analysis did not support the structure of the VPS. Qualitative methodologies and new instrumentation are recommended for further researching these constructs