La crítica de Vico a Descartes
Las referencias de Vico a Descartes y a los cartesianos son constantes a lo largo de su obra. A pesar de su oposición y de su polémica contra la filosofía cartesiana, pensamos que la influencia del cartesianismo en Vico es mayor de la que este autor hubiera podido reconocer. Tratamos de exponer, a grandes rasgos, la postura de Vico y de Descartes con respecto al conocimiento matemático, análisis que nos permite un mejor entendimiento de sus planteamientos filosóficos.Vico's references to Descartes and the cartesians are kept constant along his work. Regardless of their opposition and also Vico's arguments against the philosophy of Descartes we think that the influence of the cartesianism in Vico is greater than what this author would have admitted. We are trying to show, in a broad approach, the position of both Vico and Descartes regarding the mathematical knowledge. This analysis will allow us a better understanding of their philosophical positions