Granì 18 (8) (
The peculiarities of public policy of historical memory realization as a factor of Ukrainian society consolidation are considered. In Ukraine the focusing on the divergences in attitude toward the tragic pages of the past (Holodomor, Ukrainian liberation movement) has resulted in intensifying public conflicts as well as deepened the fault lines in society. It is marked that the political context of national memory is not only the issue of internal political confrontation. It also affects international relations and transborder cooperation. It is proved that the policy of memory should be aimed at preservation of social stability, promote the search for consolidation components of social development, remove from the agenda the excessive politicization of historical events, prevent aggravation of social contradictions and reconcile the regional vision of the past with national perspective. The development of information and communication technologies makes «the management of historical memory» an integral part of political management as well as the powerful mean of influence on mass consciousness and the instrument of legitimating of national and supranational authorities. It is stated that society’s attitude toward the events and figures of the past changes frequently. Communities often adjust their attitude in order to be able to rely on it in solving urgent current problems or implementing projects aimed at the future. Collective representation of key historical events serves as a basis of group identity and allows members of the group to distinguish themselves from the others. The shortcomings and prospects for improvement of public administration in this area are defined.