General opposition to 'progress' is often seen as involving a personification of technology as an evil spirit. One version of 'luddism' is defended here as worthy of serious debate. ('Luddism' is an attempt to justify a general presumption that technical progress is bad for us, so technical innovations should not count as true achievement.) Our luddite says, 'If technical powers, misused, will cause more harm than good, these powers should count as bad. And such harmful misuse is likely, since the dramatic, half-blind changes resulting from technology will shortly damage world systems, swamping their adjustment-mechanisms. “Superhuman”; powers go sour with merely human wisdom. “Know-how”; tends inherently to pull ahead of “know-whether”; '. This version of luddism is contrasted with various caricatures; luddite research priorities are outlined. Serious discussion is invited of the dangers inherent in further empowering fallible humanity