Philosophical approach of teacher evaluation
Philosophy of teaching, learning and leading is focused on improving student learning and anchored with a commitment to ethical practice. Moreover, it is our obligation both individually and collectively to use research and data to determine the impact we have made on what students know, do and think, to ascertain revisions to instructional programs and assessment practices, and to design appropriate professional growth opportunities. Teachers must be continual learners who are open to modify, adjust and alter their practice in response to the complex, varied, specialized and changeable needs of their students. In addition, teachers have a career-long obligation to add to their knowledge and skill base and to share what they have learned with their colleagues. The needs of our students are so involved and diverse that they require the use of various approaches, viewpoints, and sharing of collective experiences and skills of everyone. Teachers have an obligation to share, influence and inform the school community, their colleagues, and their profession about the best practices that support successful teaching and learning. This is done through coaching, peer advising and program facilitation.