Phronesis and Techne Analogy-Modem Thinking Through Aristotle
Although Aristotle has been or will be aimed at the practice in his wisdom and skill as a distinction between an important criterion, but due to the "art" of metaphor thinking schemata such potential impact of Aristotle on practical wisdom and skills demarcation is not flawless, for future generations of thinkers leave room for further thought. Marx for the purpose of enhancing the value of productive labor, and then critique of capitalist society "alienated labor" state; Heidegger and skills of practical wisdom made the distinction between the ontological interpretation, this corresponds to the true human beings - not the true survival of the state; Arendt is more focus and emphasis on action / political implications of practical wisdom, as against political totalitarianism. Aristotle always indicated phronesis by techne analogy so that confused the boundary of phronesis and techne which he has distinguished through end in itself or in other, so later thinkers could rethink this problem. Marx criticized estranged labour of Capitalism society through taking labour as end in itself ; Heidegger indicated phronesis and techne as human authentic and inauthentic existential state from a existential-ontological view; Arent opposed totalitarianism through emphasizing the political meanings of action / phronesis