For years, phenomenological psychiatry has proposed that distortions of the temporal
structure of consciousness contribute to the abnormal experiences described before
schizophrenia emerges, and may relate to basic disturbances in consciousness of the
self. However, considering that temporality refers mainly to an implicit aspect of our
relationship with the world, disturbances in the temporal structure of consciousness
remain difficult to access. Nonetheless, previous studies have shown a correlation
between self disorders and the automatic ability to expect an event in time, suggesting
timing is a key issue for the psychopathology of schizophrenia. Timing disorders
may represent a target for cognitive remediation, but this requires that disorders can
be demonstrated at an individual level. Since cognitive impairments in patients with
schizophrenia are discrete, and there is no standardized timing exploration, we focused
on timing impairments suggested to be related to self disorders. We present the case
report of AF, a 22 year old man suffering from schizophrenia, with no antipsychotic
intake. Although AF shows few positive and negative symptoms and has a normal
neurocognitive assessment, he shows a high level of disturbance of Minimal Self
Disorders (SDs) (assessed with the EASE scale). Moreover, AF has a rare ability to
describe his self and time difficulties. An objective assessment of timing ability (variable
foreperiod task) confirmed that AF had temporal impairments similar to those previously
described in patients, i.e., a preserved ability to distinguish time intervals, but a difficulty
to benefit from the passage of time to expect a visual stimulus. He presents additional
difficulties in benefitting from temporal cues and adapting to changes in time delays. The
impairments were ample enough to yield significant effects with analyses at the individual
level. Although causal relationships between subjective and objective impairments
cannot be established, the results show that exploring timing deficits at the individual
level is possible in patients with schizophrenia. Besides, the results are consistent with
hypotheses relating minimal self disorders (SDs) to timing difficulties. They suggest that
both subjective and objective timing investigations should be developed further so that
their use at an individual level can be generalized in clinical practice.