This paper aims to present the gambling addiction phenomenon through the analysis of the change of perception, illusions, observation and fiction on which basis, with the assumption and the consequence, are standing intramental and extramental processes available for correction. By defining addiction through two dominant variables – theoretical and practical, which can be defined in a broad context through the physiological and psychological determinants of a person – we narrowed the theoretical space for understanding the healthy in a human being whose meaning was anchored in the field of the addiction. By elaborating the deep generality of every being, which implies the fulfillment of the primary urgent needs, and at the same time suppressing of the specifics of our own person, free individual, in choosing our own desires and cravings, we have made it impossible to ask the question of this human being’s sense. In this addictive ring, a closed circle of returning of the same through the wrong choice of comfort means, sometimes simple concepts and solution recognition modules are lost. Therefore, this paper discusses one of the models that should be incorporated into the addiction treatment system and create and position the third, equally important, and by now unrecognized variable – a variable of meaning in the treatment and understanding of the complex concept of addiction in Western civilization through various means of comfort.