Resumen: Nos proponemos analizar el concepto de “fe” tal como surge en los textos de Unamuno a lo largo de su extenso quehacer intelectual. Con ello, intentaremos determinar las características esenciales de dicho concepto según las propuestas del insigne rector salmantino que, inspirado en las “primitivas comunidades cristianas”, miró de reojo la “fe racional” y “dogmática” de matriz escolástica. En nuestros análisis del concepto unamuniano de fe prestaremos especial atención a sus nociones de “virilidad” y “feminidad de la fe”, con vistas a destacar el “pesimismo metafísico” en que cayó el último Unamuno, incapaz de creer en la trascendencia a partir de su propia concepción de la creencia religiosa, que empezó a definir en el año de 1900 con la publicación de su ensayo “La fe”.: Our proposal here is to analyse the concept of “faith” as it arises in Unamuno’s writings throughout his extensive intellectual work. In doing so, we shall attempt to determine the essential characteristics of that concept according to the proposals of the famous Rector of Salamanca, who, inspired by the “primitive Christian communities”, looked askance at the “rational” and “dogmatic” faith built in the mould of scholasticism. In our analyses of Unamuno’s conception of faith, we pay particular attention to the notions of “virility” and “femininity” of faith. Doing so we try to highlight the “metaphysical pessimism” into which he fell towards the end of his life, when he became incapable of believing in transcendence based on his own conception of religious belief, which he had begun to define in 1900 with the publication of his essay “Faith”.