Recent developments in Particle Physics and Cosmology lead one naturally to the existence of many universes. Although direct confi rmation of other universes is diffi cult, it is not impossible. This paper is a look at a new theory of multiple universes. The idea of t = 0, goes back long before the creation of our universe. The “Total Universe’ contains many universes like our universe. The number of universes is infi nite, so some universes are far older than our universe. These ultimate areas of space were our universe started, is still creating new universes. Many big bangs have occurred in the past, and many big bangs will occur in the future. Big bangs are not something that happens just once or twice. Many diff erent universes exist; in this larger area of space we can call the ‘Total Universe’. In the ‘Total Universe’ the second law of thermodynamics is violated. The second Law of thermodynamics is a general law; it is not a universal law. The level of disorder in the ‘Total Universe’ is both increasing, and decreasing. In the ‘Total Universe’, entropy can increase, decrease, or remain constant. Individual universes are being created in the ‘Total Universe’; in these areas of the ‘Total Universe’ energy is not conserved. The ‘Total Universe’ is an energy creating machine. The conservation of energy is a general law because there are areas where external forces are being created so that the conservation of energy would not be valid.