Symphonia rationalitatis. AproximaciÓn a la relaciÓn razÓn y amor en Scivias de Hildegard von Bingen
Taking as a point of departure Sudbrack's affirmation regarding the task proposed by Hildegard of Bingen - that is to say, valuing the ambit of perception in the way that Kant valued the realm of reason in his critique ofpure reason - the present work presents a study of the relation between reason and love in Scivias. The rigorous analytic study of the concept «rationalitas» - to discover its relationship with love - shows itself, effectively, in «sensus rationalitatis», so that it is the senses that mediate the problem of reason and love, and explain it according to the Incarnation and the mystery of the Trinity. Hence the exceptional trinitarian and pneumatological depth in Hildegard's Scivias effectively provides a new response to the problem of reason and love in the light of the formula «symphonia rationalitiatis»