The goal of this essay is to point to the ambiguity of the aesthetic phenomenon in its receptivity as sui generis which is glissing away in modern discussion of aesthetics: On one side through the empiristic factualisation of the spiritual structuration of the human subject nevertheless receptive, on the other side through the evaporation of the world-routed sensibility process in the human act of aesthetical experience. The beauty is neither subjective nor objective, nor interactively reducible to both of them; but: [Was aber schön ist, selig scheint es in ihm selbst] . The base problems of constitution as it is vised in modern aesthetics, goals the conditio sine qua non of aesthetical experience, but just by doing this it is missing the ratio sufficiens, which for ever and ever is the beautiful in itself. The outcome of aesthetical history ends in a kind of subjectivism as loosing out of view the scopus of the beautiful in itself, where identity of both, subject and object of aesthetical experience, is coming forth, and what as such is set free and retributed to itself in the aesthetical act, which is an act of knowledge and acknowledge at once, unless it will never end to find itself in this maze of subject-object-dissimulation. Astonishment after all is just the verification of the unity of the different moments in this aesthetical act as such