Granì 18 (8) (
In the article was considered social maintenance in the context of sociological and managerial approach, its heuristic potential in organization management of system of social services. The system of social protection in Ukraine does not meet the modern requirements of globalization and the gradual liberalization of social policy, reducing the state’s role in social protection and social security. Instead of the traditional model of social security (cash benefits, benefits, financial assistance, etc.) comes a model based on a system of social services. The article presents analysis of social maintenance from the perspective sociologymanagement approach that allowed groups are two paradigmatic research. The first group of research include concept, considering the central problem of the formation of the external form of institutionalization of social maintenance as a social institution. The second group of sociological maintenance institutionalization of social maintenance, include the theory of subjective orientation that put the center of the problem of institutionalizing social action of individuals. On the basis of sociological concepts to the development of social services system proved that social maintenance is as a social institution (as institutionalized form of social services) and the system of social practices and interactions providers and beneficiaries of social services. This article was determined main directions of improving the management of social maintenance on the basis of sociology and management approach. The main aspects of sociology and management approach in the social maintenances: organizational and institutional aspects (development network of social maintenances); regulatory and regulatory aspect (implementation of regulations and standards of social services); aspect of communicative interaction of social maintenances. The main directions of improving the management of social maintenances on the basis of sociology and management approach, improve the regulatory framework; Approval social standards; introduce a mechanism of social order as a form of crosssector partnership for social development of the social services.