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Contents: Silvia CAPORALE-BIZZINI and Ricardo MIGUEL-ALFONSO: Introduction. PART I: FOUCAULT AND POST-STRUCTURALISM. Patricio PEÑALVER: Archaeology, History, Deconstruction: Foucault's Thought and the Philosophical Experience. Cristina de PERETTI: Foucault The Twofold Games of Language. PART II: FOUCAULT AND CRITICAL THEORY. Christopher NORRIS: What is Enlightenment? Kant according to Foucault. Daniel T. O'HARA: Why Foucault No Longer Matters. Michael RYAN: Foucault's Fallacy. PART III: FOUCAULT AND THE SUBJECT. Alan D. SCHRIFT: Reconfiguring the Subject: Foucault's Analytics of Power. Kath RENARK JONES: Modernity, Ethics and Irony: The Return of the Subject in the Later Works of Michel Foucault. PART III: FOUCAULT IN FEMENISM: Susan BORDO: Feminism, Foucault, and the Politics of the Body. Rosa Ma. RODRÍGUEZ: The Female Subject after the Death of Man. PART IV: FOUCAULT, HISTORY AND AESTHETICS. Arthur KROKER: Cynical Aesthetics: The Games of Foucault. Antonio CAMPILLO: On War: The Space of Knowledge, Knowledge of Space