Granì 23 (3):82-89 (
The focus of this article is focused on the study of peculiarities of the contemporary aestheticization of urban space as a product of emotional capitalism. Noted that the concepts "society experiences" and "experience economy" fixed vector of cultural changes of modern society, and suggest new theoretical trajectory of sociological research. Control for the "experience" in this case can be considered a new form of public influence in which not last role is played by the mass media, which is a kind of mediator for the active promotion of a variety of emotions, first and foremost sensual pleasure. Pointed out that the aestheticization of the contemporary urban space is connected with the logic of the functioning of emotional capitalism. The modern city is forced to form their own "alphabet of feelings", which prescribes rules for their feelings in different situations. Entertainment in the city acquires the features of a universal model, it is a particular code value in U. Eco, that is, a symbolic system that can reveal the contents of the message depending on the purpose and conditions of the functioning of the spectacle. Life in a modern city full of wealth of their own unrest, and the aestheticization of urban space is associated with replication "markets experiences" that focus on the commercialization of human feelings. The emotional richness of urban design has become a part of an overall program of total consumption. The theatricality, iconization and glamor can be considered as the main strategy "emotionalization" of urban space that aims at the reproduction of the effects of the "experience economy". Stressed that the idea glamorizes urban space can be traced in the concepts of the theoreticians of the "creative city", appealing to psychologically and design analysis of the urban environment, and the militarization of urban space through the creation of militaristic icons that form the therapeutically-emotional space. Respectively iconic images serve as points of reference, the individual ascribes to them a special importance as images that represent something significant for social life.