This research examines challenges faced by youth vonlunteers from Africa serving in the Asia Pacific Region. These challenges are present on both the side from the youth volunteer and from the host organization or communities. This research found that half of the volunteer sample affirmed that the Asia Pacific was not their preferred choice for doing advocacy. Misunderstanding of social justice advocacy from both sides, of youth volunteers and their host organizations was another cause of unexpected challenges. Some youth went into service without having a strong understanding of what social justice advocacy is. Only one quarter had a clear understanding of what social justice is, and most never had an advocacy experience before. Host organizations also did not have a clear understanding of social justice. Each hosting organization should select young people who’s objectives align with the organization objectives and goals. Language barrier is one of the expected challenges, as is the weather. On the culture difference, youth volunteers tend to cope up very well with the culture shock as few confessed that the culture was too difficult for them. However, there are concerns about stereotypes which affected the aptitude of some youth, as well as some inappropriate or unacceptable behavior toward the youth volunteers.