The Interconnected model of teacher professional growth elaborated by Clarke and Hollingsworth (2002) is based on four intertwined domains of teacher action: the external domain, the domain of consequence, the personal domain and the domain of practice. The aim of the research is to examine how the model works in the Croatian education system using the example of a biology teacher’s case study. In the theoretical part, an overview of the theoretical foundations of the model is described with reference to its application in studies on the professional growth of teachers. The empirical part of the paper presents the results of the research in accordance with the domains of the Interconnected model of the teacher’s professional growth. The results showed the complexity of teacher growth network processes that sometimes take place simultaneously in different domains and in different directions. The paper contributes to the deepening of scientific knowledge in the field of teacher professional growth, which is an important strategy in achieving the general well-being of students and schools, and thus the education system as a whole.