BOOK REVIEWS 157 Antonio Gramsci. Letters from Prison. ~ vols. Frank Rosengarten, editor. Raymond Rosenthal, translator. New York: Columbia University Press, 1994. Pp. xxi + 374; 43 I. Cloth, $35.oo each. This is the most complete and authoritative edition of Antonio Gramsci's prison letters available in any language. Raymond Rosenthal's translation of the 486 letters pub- lished in these two volumes is reliable and gives a good sense of the colloquial style of the original. Frank Rosengarten's extensive notes, together with his introduction, rep- resent a significant piece of Gramsci scholarship. Written in the decade that Gramsci spent in various Italian prisons between his arrest in November a926 and his death in April 1937, Letters from Prison provides an invaluable link between the human drama of Gramsci's prison experience -- the grind- ing prison routine, his failing health, the difficulty of maintaining a relationship with his wife and sons in Moscow, his estrangement..