Some children may face some developmental problems in one ormore areas of their developmental milestones. One of them is speech delay. Todate, a screening tool for speech delay early detection among children is stilllacking, especially in Malaysia. Parents do not know where to refer and whichorganisation can help them especially for first-time parents. The objective ofthis paper is twofold. First, this paper analyses existing screening system orapplication for speech delay in children. Second, this paper proposes a mobileapplication designed for Malaysian parents to help them detect speech delayin their children. A qualitative expert review was used to design and build theapplication. The screening application proposed is for early detection and tourge parents to seek for early intervention through appropriate assessments. Inconclusion, early detection in speech delay is critically important to increasethe chances for improving speech and communication skills. Thus, a speechdelay screening tool is needed for parents to seek proper treatment for theirchildren.