Dissertation, Ufrn (
Suszko’s Thesis is a philosophical claim regarding the nature of many-valuedness.
It was formulated by the Polish logician Roman Suszko during the middle 70s and
states the existence of “only but two truth values”. The thesis is a reaction against
the notion of many-valuedness conceived by Jan Łukasiewicz. Reputed as one of the
modern founders of many-valued logics, Łukasiewicz considered a third undeter-
mined value in addition to the traditional Fregean values of Truth and Falsehood.
For Łukasiewicz, his third value could be seen as a step beyond the Aristotelian
dichotomy of Being and non-Being. According to Suszko, Łukasiewicz’s ideas rested
on a confusion between algebraic values (what sentences describe/denote) and log-
ical values (truth and falsity). Thus, Łukasiewicz’s third undetermined value is no
more than an algebraic value, a possible denotation for a sentence, but not a genuine
logical value. Suszko’s Thesis is endorsed by a formal result baptized as Suszko’s
Reduction, a theorem that states every Tarskian logic may be characterized by a
two-valued semantics. The present study is intended as a thorough investigation
of Suszko’s thesis and its implications. The first part is devoted to the historical
roots of many-valuedness and introduce Suszko’s main motivations in formulating
the double character of truth-values by drawing the distinction in between algebraic
and logical values. The second part explores Suszko’s Reduction and presents the
developments achieved from it; the properties of two-valued semantics in comparison
to many-valued semantics are also explored and discussed. Last but not least, the
third part investigates the notion of logical values in the context of non-Tarskian
notions of entailment; the meaning of Suszko’s thesis within such frameworks is
also discussed. Moreover, the philosophical foundations for non-Tarskian notions of
entailment are explored in the light of recent debates concerning logical pluralism.