Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), is a therapy based on cognitive manipulation which denies the existence of ontological truth. Merleau-Ponty warned of such a development which he labelled a
“decadent psychoanalysis.” Merleau-Ponty believed in the existence of ontological truth, not as a matter of cognitive representation nor as something that can be designated by positive indices such as those of psychometric measures or statistical analysis, but as an ontological dimension of the pre-cognitive world. Openness to this pre-reflective truth differentiates a therapy based on truth from one based on suggestion and manipulation. When a suicidal patient, approaches a psychotherapist for help and is told that he or she can feel better by adjusting his or her dysfunctional thinking in normative directions, this truth of lived experience is denied, and so is the opportunity for patient and therapist to recognise their shared ontological pre-reflective connection in which truth may find a way to express itself safely, that is, intersubjectively.