The Middle Voice in the Experience of Art
Bigaku 54 (2):1 (
The middle voice, distinct from the active and the passive, is almost forgotten in our days. We could adopt this linguistic category as an alternative category in thinking about the experience of art. According to the linguists' discussions, in the middle voice the subject is inside the process and is affected from it. The process arises of itself without any agent. The middle voice is to grasp a matter not depending on identical terms or units, but starting from an event itself. As the middle voice event take place, something is slopping off from itself; there is neither 1 nor 2. It concerns between 1 and 2. It is difficult to describe the experience of art in the schema of «subject-object», «active-passive»; both in creation and reception, there takes place something middle. It is also difficult to distinguish the sensible and the signification, the expression and the expressed in the experience; two moments are differentiated and mediated at the same time. In this sense the experience of art seems to be middle. The middle phase in the experience of art is a foundation event from which «subject-object» are deriving