The review of Kéž je všecko ku prospěchu obce! (May everything be to the benefit of the community!), published by Academia and OIKOYMENH, editor Petr Blažek, focuses on four themes: what do the documents say about Patočka, about the secret police, about the fate of Patočka’s textual estate, and about the post-November iinvestigation of the repressive measures taken against Patočka. This study draws attention, among other things, to Patočka’s intention to depart to West Germany in 1976, the influence of the misidentification of the two Chvatíks on the successful progress of work on the publication of Patočka’s texts, Karel Kosík’s plan to revise the Heretical Essays and Two Studies on Masaryk, and above all the overlooking, by the editor of this volume (and the investigators from the 1990s), of the climax of the secret police repression against Patočka on March 2, 1977.