This paper focuses on the question of filtration through the perspective of “too
much information”. It concerns Western society within the context of new media
and digital culture. The main aim of this paper is to apply a philosophical reading
on the video game concept of Selection for Societal Sanity within the problematics
of cultural filtration, control of behaviors and desire, and a problematization of
trans-individuation that the selected narrative conveys. The idea of Selection for
Societal Sanity, which derives from the first postmodern video game Metal Gear
Solid 2: Sons of Liberty (2001), is applied into a philosophical framework based on
select concepts from Bernard Stiegler’s writing and incorporating them with
current events such as post-truth or fake news in order to explore the role of
techne and filtration within social organizations and individual psyches. Alternate
forms of behavior, which contest cultural paradigms, are re-problematized as
tension between calculability and incalculability, or market value versus social