Докса 2 (
Clause is devoted to studying of a phenomenon of musical thinking. It is affirms, that the actions of approximate measurement and calculation operations are immanent components of musical thinking. It is marked, that four properties of sound process – pitch modulation, duration, loudness and articulation – are organized by a principle of symmetry. The changes of these properties are systematically submits to standard measuring units. It is marked, that the symmetry in the musical form is not absolutely regular. The metric correctness of sounding is established on the basis of subjective acoustical sensations. During musical perception, performance and composition of music, at each moment of time each persone carry out following mental actions: 1) approximate unintentional measurement of several varied properties of sounding ; 2) approximate unintentional account of probability of occurrence of each new element in the process of musical speech. It is amazing, that these actions are carried out with improbable ease and speed, mainly at a level of subconscious actions which are not distracting attention from the main plans of musical perception, namely: from sensual representations, emotional experiences, generation of images of imagination, acts of conceptual thinking, contemplation of the world, raised movements of spirit.