This paper explores and deepens on an important suggestion originating from Heidegger, Gadamer and Ricoeur's diverse reflective perspectives around the relationship between philosophical hermeneutics and theological reflection. In Heidegger, the relationship between language and Being is not frequently clarified under the perspective of the parallel theological reflection raised by the listening of the Word. Gadamer deepens and clarifies the meaning of it, in precise reference to the origins of Christian theology. Moreover, he confirms the datum of a “theological” component within his conception of language. Ricoeur highlights how philosophical hermeneutics, although distinct from exegesis, has found its fundamental matrix in the context of the scriptural exegesis. This paper retraces some of the topical moments of the period of late antiquity in reference to the encounter between the logos and the Word. It advances the thesis that it is precisely within this context that the new conception of language and the being to which contemporary hermeneutics has lent particular attention emerges.