IN ONE of the last seminars of his life, Heidegger remarks that just as Hegel was trying to lay the definitive foundation of the modern age, so was his friend Hölderlin trying to break through the ground of the age in order to inaugurate a step beyond modernity. For this reason, Heidegger clearly regards the poet as more radical than the philosopher. Without trying myself to assess the validity of this contrast, I shall take it as a clue and argue that each was attempting to discover, and to build a time-design that could do justice to his epoch and respond to the experience of its historical destiny. The question that concerns this essay is just how Hegel construed and constructed such a philosophical designing of the time, and while important texts for this topic are thematized in his earlier writings and in his subsequent lectures, the central text must be the Phenomenology of Spirit. The aim of this discussion therefore is to determine the time-sense of the Phenomenology of Spirit and its phenomenology of Time, and to draw in other texts insofar as they illumine its matrix.